Thursday, March 16, 2017

Measures of Position


After this grading, I was once rekindled with the last topic we tackled in our 3rd Grading discussion in Grade 9 Statistics. 
I remembered about the measures of Position: Quartile, Decile, and Percentile:


-it is a set of data divided into 4 equal parts.
The upper Quartile is Q3, the value of the variable below which 75% of the cases lie. It is also referred to as the 3rd Quartile.
The middle Quartile is Q2. The middle. Also referred to as the 2nd Quartile.
The lower Quartile is Q1, the value of the variable below which 25%  of the cases lie. It is also referred to as the 1st Quartile.


-it is a set of data divided into 10. It tells of the variable below which a certain percentage of the cases fall.


-it is a set of data divided into 100 equal parts. It tells how many percent of the cases got below the rank position.


The concept map also shows the formulas needed.


I am normally slow at understanding mathematics at a total, however, I can say that this is a fairly easy subject to learn considering the convenience of the calculator. 
However, during discussion and tests, we can't use calculators, unlike our Statistics subject last year. It was quite difficult to remember the formula while trying to assure myself that 56 divided by 8 is in fact 7.  At times, the numbers can have too many decimals that I often disregard most of them, ultimately changing my final answer and, well, it just so happens to be wrong.
Oh, yes. I also miss a lot of the numbers during organizing of the data.


I find most of the things in math to be forgettable, because I believe that I will not need this in the future. However, I believe I will need this in the future, considering that I will be taking up Med-tech and it is essential for research.
I also found working with my classmates to understand the topic quite enjoying. I have a hard time understanding everything unless I hear someone talk about it, so it's a relief to know that my classmates are more than willing to explain the things that I didn't get. 
But in the end, I'm still slow at math. But I can say that I did understand this topic, to say the least.

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